Coding Decoding Previous Year Questions of SSC and Bank
Practice Coding Decoding Previous Year Questions for SSC and Bank exams. Download PDF with answer key and detailed solutions.

Coding Decoding Previous Year FAQs
What is the weightage of Coding Decoding in SSC exams?
In SSC exams, you will easily find 2 - 5 questions from Coding Decoding topic. Hence, this topic is highly important with respect to exam preparation.
What is the weightage of Coding Decoding in Bank Exams?
In Bank exams, you will easily find 3 - 5 questions from Coding Decoding topic. Hence, this topic is of high importance for your Bank exam preparation.
What is Coding and Decoding in reasoning?
Coding in reasoning is a process to encrypt word, number in a specific pattern using rules and regulations whereas Decoding is a process of decrypting that encrypted word, number back into original form.
Is coding - decoding easy?
Coding- Decoding is quite easy to learn but seems very tricky. You just need to be careful while decoding the logic behind coding.
What are the different types of coding and decoding?
Different types of coding and decoding are:
1. Letter Coding
2. Number Coding
3. Symbol Coding
4. Substitution Coding
5. Chinese coding
6. Coding by Shifting
7. LSN Coding
8. Conditional coding
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