Study notes for History topic - Vedic Literature
Click to study the Complete Theory of Vedic literature and practice a lot of questions difficulty wise that can be asked in your competitive exam.
Vedic literature FAQs
What is the Vedic literature?
The term Vedic literature means the four Vedas in their Samhita and the allied literature based on or derived from the Vedas.
What are the four types of vedic literature?
We classify the Vedic literature into the following categories: The four Vedas i.e. the Rig, Sama, Yajur and Atharva and their Samhitas.
What is Shruti?
Four Vedas and their Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas and the Upanishads form a class of literature known as Shruti. The Vedas are said to have passed on through verbal transmission from one generation to the next. Therefore, they are also known as Shruti.
Who is the founder of Vedic literature?
How many epics are there in India?
Two, Ramayan and Mahabharat
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