CDS 2 Exam Pattern 2023 - 120 Questions in 120 Minutes
Click to get the infographics of CDS 2 Exam Pattern 2023. 120 minutes exam is conducted offline comprising 100 questions from 3 subjects in English & Hindi.

CDS 2 Exam Pattern 2023 FAQs
What is the duration of the CDS 2 2023 written examination?
Each paper in the CDS 2 2023 written examination has a duration of 2 hours.
Is there negative marking in the CDS 2 2023 exam?
Yes, there is a penalty for incorrect answers. For every incorrect response, 1/3rd of the assigned mark for that question will be deducted.
Are the questions in the CDS 2 2023 exam available in both English and Hindi?
The questions are available in English only, except for the Elementary Mathematics paper, which is available in both English and Hindi.
Can final year students apply for the CDS 2 2023 exam?
Yes, final year students can apply, but they must ensure they meet the educational criteria by the time of document verification during the interview process.
How can I prepare effectively for the CDS 2 2023 exam?
Effective preparation involves thorough study of the prescribed syllabus, regular practice, and solving previous years' question papers. Additionally, consider enrolling in a coaching program or joining online test series to enhance your preparation.
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