Pronoun - Learn Meaning, Types, Narratives with Examples
A pronoun is a substitute for a noun. Click to know more about pronoun, types of pronouns and related examples.

Pronoun FAQs
What is the definition of Pronouns?
A pronoun is a word that acts as a substitute for a noun. In English Language, pronouns are used to dodge repetition of the same words. They are used to refer to a noun whose name has already been mentioned once.
How many types of Pronouns exist?
Pronouns have a broad categorization in 11 types. They are Personal Pronouns, Possessive Pronouns, Reflexive Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Subject Pronouns, Object Pronouns, Interrogative Pronouns, Demonstrative Pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns, Reciprocal Pronouns and Intensive Pronouns.
What are the kinds of Personal Pronouns?
Personal Pronouns are divided into first person, second person and third person category. I, me, us, we are some examples of first person, you, your are some examples of second person and they, them, their are some examples of third person pronouns.
How to identify a pronoun?
A pronoun can be identified by identifying the word that is replacing the noun in a sentence. For example, She loves cats. In this sentence, she is a pronoun as it is replacing the noun word(the name of the girl who loves cats) in the sentence.
Are pronouns used to represent gender of a person?
Nowadays, pronouns are commonly used by people to represent their gender. Some commonly used pronouns are he, him. she, her.
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English Language Specialist
English Olympiad Gold Medalist with great passion for government exams, teaching, and knowledge-sharing.
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