Possessive Pronoun - Meaning, Types, Usage with Examples
Learn and understand the meaning of possessive pronoun with the help of a few examples. Possessive Pronouns are used to show ownership of a thing or a person.
Possessive Pronoun FAQs
What is the definition of possessive pronoun?
A pronoun that is used to indicate ownership of a thing or a relation to a person is called a possessive pronoun. It is used to represent possession.
What are some examples of possessive pronouns?
Some examples of possessive pronouns are mine, yours, his, her, theirs, its, etc.
What is the basic rule of possesive pronouns?
A basic rule of possessive pronouns is that they generally occur in the end of a sentence.
For example, The hat is mine. The pronoun 'mine' has occured in the end of the sentence.
Do possessive pronouns have an apostrophe?
No, possessive pronouns never have an apostrophe at the end. They are always read and writeen without an apostrophe. For example, "its" is a possessive pronoun which does not have an apostrophe.
Is it's a possessive pronoun?
No, it's is not a possessive pronoun. It's is just an abbreviation for the phrase "it is".
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