Approximation- Quant Study Notes for Competitive Exams
Click to study the Complete Theory of Classification of Approximation and practice a lot of questions difficulty wise that can be asked in your competitive exam.
approximation FAQs
Is approximation a easy topic?
How do you solve approximation questions?
Always solve the Approximation questions following the BODMAS rule.
What is the full form of BODMAS rule?
BODMAS stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction.
What are some common methods for approximation?
Rounding numbers, using significant figures, truncating decimals, and using mathematical shortcuts
How do I round-off numbers to a specific decimal place?
Round-off numbers by considering the digit immediately to the right of the desired decimal place. If it's 5 or greater, round up; if it's less than 5, round down.
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