Coding and Decoding - 60 Difficulty Wise MCQs with Solutions
Practice Difficulty wise Coding and Decoding Questions that can be asked in your competitive exam. Get detailed solutions, tips and tricks to make you exam ready.
Coding and Decoding Questions FAQs
What is the concept of coding and decoding?
Coding is the process of encoding a word, letter, number, or combination of the three in a specific code or pattern that follows a set of rules.
Decoding is the procedure used to recieve pattterns to their original forms.
How can I understand coding and decoding?
Coding means hiding actual date into encrypted one and decoding is way of decrypting that encrypted date back to original forrm. You need to observe the pattern carefully and then find out the logic to decrypt that encrypted data. By practicing many examples you can master this concept.
How many types are there in coding and decoding?
Coding and Decoding are classified into eight types:
1. Letter Coding
2. Number Coding
3. Symbol Coding
4. Substitution Coding
5. Chinese coding
6. Coding by Shifting
7. LSN Coding
8. Conditional coding
What do you mean by L-S-N coding?
In LSN Coding, 3-4 sentences are given having 3 or more words. Each word is coded in letter/number/symbol form or a combination of all, applying certain logic. You have to determine the logic and find the code of the question asked.
What is the difference between encoding and decoding?
Encoding is basically a written task ,in which words or series are encrypted whereas decoding is reading part,in which by reading the encrypted value you have to find out logic in words and then break it off to original word or series.
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