World Pneumonia Day - Why Should We Pause and Pay Attention
Diving into Pneumonia Day's significance, its global impact, and what you can do to make a difference. Discover the urgency behind this crucial observance.
Pneumonia Day FAQs
Is pneumonia contagious?
Yes, pneumonia can be contagious when caused by bacterial and viral infections. It can spread through respiratory droplets from coughing or sneezing.
Where can I get vaccinated?
Vaccinations are typically available at local healthcare centers, clinics, and sometimes at pharmacies. Consult your local health department or a healthcare provider for guidance.
Are children more susceptible to pneumonia?
Yes, children, especially under the age of 2, and the elderly are more vulnerable due to their developing or weakened immune systems.
I heard about 'walking pneumonia.' What is it?
'Walking pneumonia' refers to a milder form of pneumonia where individuals might feel 'off' but not sick enough to stay in bed or realize they have pneumonia.
Which type of pneumonia is the most dangerous?
All forms can be severe if not treated, but bacterial pneumonia, especially when caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae, is often considered more severe than viral pneumonia.
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