Infant Protection Day in India: Safeguarding the Future
Discover the significance of Infant Protection Day in India and how it ensures the safety of our little ones. Learn, engage, and join the cause.
Infant Protection Day FAQs
What is Infant Protection Day in India?
Infant Protection Day is an annual observance in India dedicated to raising awareness about the rights and safety of infants. It serves as a platform to address issues related to infant care, nutrition, healthcare, and protection.
When is Infant Protection Day celebrated in India?
Infant Protection Day is celebrated on November 15th every year. It serves as a reminder of the need to protect and safeguard the well-being of infants.
Why is Infant Protection Day important?
Infant Protection Day is important because it draws attention to critical issues such as infant mortality, malnutrition, child trafficking, and inadequate healthcare facilities.
How can I get involved in Infant Protection Day initiatives?
You can get involved in Infant Protection Day by participating in local events, supporting organizations working for child welfare, spreading awareness on social media, or contributing to initiatives that provide healthcare, nutrition, and support to infants and their families.
What are the key challenges in infant protection in India?
Challenges in infant protection in India include infant mortality, malnutrition, lack of access to healthcare, child trafficking, and child labour. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive efforts from government, NGOs, communities, and individuals.
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