Study Notes for Computer Knowledge topic - Generation of Computers
Click to study the Complete Theory of Generation of Computers and practice a lot of questions difficulty wise on this Static GK topic that can be asked in your competitive exam.

Generation of Computers FAQs
Give examples of first-generation computers?
Examples of first-generation computers: UNIVersal Automatic Computer (UNIVAC-I), Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator (ENIAC), Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC).
What are the disadvantages of Second-generation computers?
Second-generation computer disadvantages include:
- Expensive for business use.
- It still required regular upkeep.
- Regular cooling was also necessary
Who developed third generation computers?
The third generation computers are IBM/360, NCR 395, and TDC - 316 developed by Jack Kilby.
What is the fullform of VLSI?
VLSI stands for very large-scale integration.
What are the fifth or future generation computers?
The fifth or future generation computers are desktops, laptops and palmtops etc. Ultra large scale integration (ULSI) or Super Large Scale Integrated (SLSI) is the core element of this generation of computers. The time period of the fifth generation computer is 1985 till now.
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