SSC CPO Cut off 2023 - 130 out of 200 must be scored
Click to get the infographics of SSC CPO Cut off 2023. Cut off depends on the number of students applying in comparison to the vacancies released.

SSC CPO Cut off 2023 FAQs
What was the cut off for general category in SSC CPO 2022 Tier 1 ?
The cut off for the General Category Male was 115.04, and for General Category Female it was 126.29 for the year 2022.
Is there a different cut off for both male and female for SSC CPO Exam?
Yes, there is a seperate cut off for both male and female of every category.
What are the factors affecting the SSC CPO cut offs?
Several factors influence the SSC CPO Cut offs each year. Some of the key factors are:
- Number of Vacancies: The total number of vacancies for Sub-Inspectors (SI) and Assistant Sub-Inspectors (ASI) in various Central Police Organizations plays a crucial role in determining the cut-offs.
- Exam Difficulty Level: Additionally, the difficulty level of the SSC CPO Exam 2023 can impact the cut-offs. If the exam is more challenging, the cut-offs may be slightly lower, and vice versa.
- Candidate Performance: The overall performance of candidates in the exam also influences the cut-offs, i.e., higher average performance may lead to higher cut-offs.
- Reservation Policy: Further, the reservation policy of the government for different categories (General, OBC, SC, ST) affects the cut-offs for each category.
- Previous Year SSC CPO Cut offs: Thus, the previous year SSC CPO cut offs can serve as a reference point for determining the current year's cut offs.
How is the cut off of SSC CPO calculated?
SSC CPO cut off is calculated category wise, separately for males and females, based on the relaxation given under the government norms.
What is the cut off of a general category male in Tier 2 of SSC CPO examination?
The cut off for general category males in Tier 2 of the CPO examination 2022 was 252.69.
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