Word Usage Questions - Top 10 MCQs with Solutions
Word Usage questions and answers free PDF with detailed solutions. Practice 10 multiple-choice questions to boost your exam preparation.
Word Usage FAQs
How important is word usage in SSC and bank exams?
Word usage is crucial in these exams as it assesses your ability to use words correctly in context, which is essential for effective communication. It often appears in questions related to sentence improvement and comprehension.
How can I expand my vocabulary for word usage questions?
To expand your vocabulary, read widely, use flashcards to learn new words, and practice by incorporating these words into your writing and speaking. Also, review synonyms, antonyms, and idiomatic expressions.
What should I do if I encounter a word in an exam that I don't know the meaning of?
If you encounter an unfamiliar word, try to deduce its meaning based on the sentence's context. Eliminate answer choices that don't make sense, and choose the option that fits the context best.
Are there any tips for using words effectively in writing for these exams?
Yes, practice writing essays and letters to improve your word usage in longer compositions. Use precise words to convey your ideas clearly, and proofread your work for errors.
Can you provide an example of a word usage question?
Certainly! Here's an example: "His ____ knowledge of history impressed the professor." What word would best fit in the blank? (Answer: "profound").
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