Word Swap Questions - Top 10 MCQs with Solutions
Word Swap questions and answers free PDF with detailed solutions. Practice 10 multiple-choice questions to boost your exam preparation.
Word Swap FAQs
What is word swap in the context of SSC and bank exams?
Word swap, also known as sentence improvement or sentence correction, is a type of question in SSC and bank exams where you are required to identify and replace an incorrect word or phrase within a given sentence to make it grammatically and contextually correct.
How can I improve my word swap skills for bank exams?
To improve your word swap skills, practice is essential. Work on your grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Solve past papers and take mock tests to familiarize yourself with common errors and their corrections.
Are there any strategies for approaching word swap questions?
Yes, a helpful strategy is to read the entire sentence carefully to understand its context. Identify the word or phrase that seems out of place or grammatically incorrect. Then, choose the option that best fits the sentence's meaning and structure.
What are some common errors to look out for in word swap questions?
Common errors in word swap questions include incorrect verb tense, subject-verb agreement, word usage, and sentence structure. Pay attention to these aspects when attempting such questions.
Can you provide an example of a word swap question?
Certainly! Here's an example: "The dog barks loudly at night." In this sentence, what word could be swapped to improve it? (Answer: "The dog barks loudly at midnight.").
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