Tense - Definition, Types, Functions and Rules with Examples
Learn what is Tense, its definition, meaning, types, functions and rules with examples. Get complete study material of Tense in free PDF format.
Table of Contents
- Tense Meaning and Definition
- The 3 Tenses & Their Sub-Categories
- Present Tense
- Simple Present Tense
- Present Ccontinuous Tense
- Present Perfect Tense
- Present Perfect Continuous Tense
- Past Tense
- Simple Past Tense
- Past Continuous Tense
- Past Perfect Tense
- Past Perfect Continuous Tense
- Future Tense
- Simple Future Tense
- Future Continuous Tense
- Future Perfect Tense
Tense FAQs
What is Tense?
Tenses or verb tenses are a very important part of English Grammar. This is a very important topic for competitive examinations and should be practised thoroughly. So let’s see what tenses are, their structure with examples and how to correctly use them in sentences.
What are the types of Tenses?
Three types of Tenses are:
1. Present Tense
2. Past Tense
3. Future Tense
What is Simple Present Tense?
The simple present tense is used in a sentence to represent an action or event that is currently taking place or has just occurred in the given context.
What is Present Continuous Tense?
he Present Continuous Tense is a type of tense used to denote an action that is ongoing or happening at the time. It is also known as the present progressive tense because it represents action that is taking place in the present
What is Present Perfect Tense?
Present perfect tense is used to express those actions that have been finished recently or we can understand it as “this tense is used to talk about an action which began in the past but has continued into the present moment”. Basically, it links the recent past to the present.
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