L Words - Meaning, Synonym, Antonym of Words Starting with L
Explore the top 10 synonym and antonym questions of 'L' words. Get detailed solutions in PDF, learn 50 new words and boost your vocabulary.
L word FAQs
What is the meaning of 'L' words in vocabulary?
'L' words refer to words that start with the letter 'L.' Vocabulary is the collection of words used in a particular language, and understanding the meanings of 'L' words contributes to a richer vocabulary.
Can you provide some examples of 'L' words and their meanings?
Certainly! Here are a few examples:
Luminous: Emitting or reflecting light; shining.
Lethargic: Feeling tired or sluggish; lacking energy.
Lucid: Clear and easy to understand; mentally sound.
What are synonyms of 'L' words?
Synonyms are words that have similar meanings to other words. For 'L' words like "love," synonyms could include "affection," "adoration," and "passion."
What is the weightage of vocabulary-related questions in SSC and Bank exams?
The weightage of vocabulary-related questions varies from exam to exam and section to section. It can range from a few questions to a significant portion of the paper. Therefore, it's essential to have a well-rounded vocabulary.
How important is vocabulary, including 'L' words, in bank and SSC exams?
Vocabulary is a crucial component of both bank and SSC exams. A strong vocabulary helps in understanding and answering questions in various sections, such as reading comprehension, cloze test, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence completion.
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