Learn the key concepts of Science topic - Environmental chemistry
Click to study the Complete Theory of Environmental chemistry and practice a lot of questions difficulty wise on this Physics topic that can be asked in your competitive exam.
Environmental chemistry FAQs
What is environmental chemistry?
Environmental chemistry is a science that deals with various chemical phenomena occurring in the environment.
Name the types of pollutions.
(i) Natural pollution (ii) Man-made pollution
Give examples of air pollutants.
Eg: Oxides of Sulphur, Oxides of nitrogen, Smoke and dust, Ammonia, Mercaptans, Freon etc.
What do you understand by global warming?
The warming of the earth led to the warming of air due to greenhouse gases [carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, chlorofluorocarbon compounds (CFCs) and water vapour] is called Global Warming.
When rain is called acid rain?
The pH of normal rain water is 5.6 due to the formation of H ions by dissolution of CO2 from the atmosphere, when the pH of rain water drops below 5.6 it is called acid rain (by Robert Augus.)
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